12 Day Old Hazel With Tattoos - Philly Baby and Tattoo Photographer

You didn't really think I meant a 12 day old baby with tattoos, right? I meant that she was photographed with her parents' tattoos!Anyway, I had the pleasure of meeting sweet Hazel and her parents, Isaac and Kerri, on Saturday. She was very alert and was just checking everything out.3229 Hazel 1 webShe did get a little nap in.3368 Hazel 7 webBut then it was time for a few with Dad.3340 Hazel 10 bw webAs you can see, she gets her dark hair from him.3244 Hazel 8 webBut I think she was happiest when held by her mom and her dad together.3290 Hazel 9 webI enjoyed meeting you both, Isaac and Kerri, and of course, your baby girl. I hope you enjoyed your sneak peek - I can't wait for you to see the rest!I'm back. I had two more that I loved so much that I had to add them.3302 Hazel 3 moody bw web3316 Hazel 5 webOkay. I promise to save the rest for when I'm done and you can see the whole gallery. I couldn't wait to show you these, though.


Hazel's Gallery Is Up! - Philadelphia Area Newborn and Tattoo Photographer


Lucky Sixes - Springfield, PA Child and Baby Photographer