Baby Boy | Philadelphia Newborn Photographer
I knew this was going to be a fun session when, at my first conversation with the mom to be, she gave me a challenge, thus: "My husband saw a really funny newborn photo and now he wants to think of something funny to do." Hmmm. I like a challenge! There was no Star Trek convention, no Dr. Who geekery, though, from which to work. What I came up with didn't work out exactly (those wily babies never seem to do exactly what is planned), but we came up with something that I think is pretty awesome. I present: Harley-Davidson Biker Babe. Yes, that is a baby in a pair of jeans and a Harley jacket. I am only sad that we did not have baby sized motorcycle boots, but I do think this is one of my favorite images ever. One of my favorite parts about being a newborn photographer is the people with whom I get to work. I am the luckiest photographer in Philadelphia, I swear, because the best people seem to find me. This guy's parents had me cracking up at their stories about how they grew up in a small town, with parents who were friends, and they were friends as kids too. Their little town actually sounds pretty awesome.I love this one too. My sister in law M A D E (yes! she is that crafty!) me this hat. Just another way I am so lucky. I love this photo so much. <3
I love this little face. Those features. They are just perfect!
So sweet snuggling up with a bunny.