Baby, Dog and Golf | Philadelphia Baby Photography
I sat down during a rare moment with no galleries pending to edit, in the hopes of posting a blog post to showcase some Philadelphia baby photography, since I haven't blogged a session in a while and I love to show you all what I've been up to. I couldn't believe how many sessions I haven't shared yet.So, I decided to pull this one to show you all.I loved working with this family. Lately I am having so much fun because we are incorporating things that are meaningful to the parents in one of our setups. This session was no exception. When Mama and I were speaking before the session, she mentioned that this sweet pea's daddy is a golf pro. She said she was going to bring some golf balls and mentioned having seen my green fluff in action and likened it to the green - she actually specifically mentioned this basket too. I love when people give me a clear idea of what's in their head so that I can take it and run with it. I made this little tee marker and, well, fore, y'all! :) So, so cute, right? As the session was going on, Mama happened to notice that I had some gorgeous wooden photo blocks around of dogs. She asked, "Oh, are you a dog lover?" AM I???? I went on to explain about how I shoot dogs for the Delaware County SPCA, my now-famous story of how my mom hates dogs, etc. She sort of casually dropped, "Ohhh, I have a really well trained 5 year old Great Dane" and that was all I let her get out before I was begging her to bring that dog back for the parent portion with her husband. She obliged and we created these masterpieces that, to me, deserve to be hung huge in their home. (I'm a huge photo print hanger in my private life. 40"x30" or bust, people.)
And, a huge version. Wood print. Swoon. <3
My new favorite newborn pose: the potato sack, as I'm calling it. I think I could do a post of just my favorite potato sack poses from this year. This is no exception. Look at those cheeks! Love this.
Unadorned, pink tones in skin matching pink blanket. I love how the simplicity draws your attention to her perfect little bits - gorgeous little lips, beautiful baby cheeks, toesies, her hairline. Perfect baby darling.
I could keep going, because this baby was just rockin' her session. She indeed "put the rock in rock-a-bye"! <3 If you'd like me to photograph your little rockstar when they arrive, click here to contact me!