Family Photographer Philadelphia | Snips and Snails
So, I was just going through my blog with a prospective client. We were chatting about some of my best and favorite family photography, and I headed over to direct him to check out this family photography session in a field in summertime. Uh. Imagine my surprise when I realized that one of my favorite sessions of the summer hadn't been blogged. Or the other four family photo sessions I shot this summer/fall and loved. I decided not to do the dishes (not a huge amount of time spent pondering that decision, honestly...) and hurried to remedy this situation post haste.I got a call from this mama, who'd seen my photos on Facebook, looking for a session to yield photos of her sons for her husband's Big Birthday. We worked out a date and time as usual - but you know how sometimes, you just know you're going to like someone when you talk to them on the phone? Such was the case with this mama and her three amazing boys. We met at the gorgeous location, and out of the car came three of the most adorable kids I've ever seen.Now, mom had told me that she wanted photos of them just kind of being themselves. But, they didn't know me - and so it's hard to sort of be "on" and be yourself in front of a complete stranger who you know is recording your every move. Nonetheless, we did a bunch of photos of the three of them, and they were adorable. But, were sort of "nice photographer faces" and I could tell not really who these boys are.I pulled mom aside and said, "Okay. I've got a trick that'll get the photos you want", and then I whispered my plan into her ear. She was like, "Sure, do what you've gotta do", and so I did. This is the result. I'm sorry I've held back on you guys this long!