Main Line Baby Photographer
Such a darling, sweet little girl. What a little love.It is in moments like this when I realize just how lucky I am - when I see the darling, sleeping babies whose parents have entrusted me to capture these moments, in this first photo shoot. Because if you have had a baby, then you know all too well, but these first moments are a blur. Whether your baby is ten or two, if you try to look back and remember the first three months, to remember what you did, to remember how your baby looked in the moments of precious repose, to remember how you survived and figured everything out, the fact is, you can't. It's crazy. Especially if it's your first baby and you and your spouse have just left the hospital, or looked at each other at home, or watched the social workers walk out the door, and said to each other, "Who said we could have this baby? Who said we were the right people to trust with a baby? How can we do this?" But then you do. You figure it out. You ask your mom, your friends, the Googler. And then a few days turn into a week and a month and three months and you are doing it and you're an old pro and you know what your baby crying means, sometimes.And you get a shower, or some sleep, and then you have a cooing, giggling six month old. And it's hard to remember what you did that first week.But. You let me photograph your baby. And, while you might not be able to remember her smell, you've got photographic proof that she was tiny. You've got something to jog your memory about how she cried but it sounded like a mewing kitten. You've got the photos of how big his cheeks were and you know that you spent at least three months kissing them.And you remember that there was magic.You are the closest I will ever come to magic. ― Suzanne Finnamore
Are you in the Philadelphia or Main Line area and wish to schedule your own baby photography session? Click here.