Main Line Baby Photographer
I am a lot of things, like a funny person and someone who dances poorly, someone who is a pretty great baby photographer but is terrible with directions, for example. Organized is not one of those things. As such, it is a quality that I greatly admire in other people. So, when I got an email from a mama who was readying to have her fourth child, who was three months pregnant, I felt a mix of awe and envy. What together person does these things?!When I got in touch with her, she was funny on top of it. Who is this rare creature? And, of course when we met in person, I adored her. Naturally. It was like hanging out with a friend and her baby, while I posed and photographed him and we oohed and aahed over how cute he was (because, really. Look below. that's a CUTE baby!). She brought her whole family back later on in the week and there were more adorable people that she had made.Bear ears hat is one of my favorites. And this set is one I always use because it's so sweet and pure and I love the texture of the fluffiness too.Look at those cheeks! Those lips. That hair. Anyone who doesn't want to kiss this baby makes no sense to me.
If there is anything sweeter than a newborn smiling, I don't know what it is. I always say, "If you hear me clicking away like a fool, rest assured your baby is smiling." <3
More ears. Plus a bear to snuggle? Yes, please and thank you. Plus, I love his fingers, how his little toe is peeking out a tiny bit, and his round little nose. Sigh.
Darling stuff, right? Click here if you want to schedule your own!