Party of Four | Wilmington Maternity and Family Photography
This fun, sweet family will soon be just that: a party of four. I can't wait to meet their newest addition when he arrives! But for now, I had a great evening with the M Family just before sunset capturing some of their love and excitement and giggles. I've known this family for a few years now and have always looked up to them (way up, as they are much taller than I am, yuk yuk!). Seriously though, the mama is so beautiful and the daddy is so funny that of course their son would be cute and funny, right? And he is.I had a great time capturing these images for them and documenting the chapter in their lives that is coming to a close with them as a family of three. I can't wait to meet their newly complete family in just a few short weeks to document that, too.How beautiful is she?!
My hands-down favorite from the session. Maybe my hands down favorite maternity image to date, honestly.
So. much. fun. this family, I tell you!
This boy is silly, that's for sure!