Philadelphia Tattooed Parents | Cool Newborn Photography
From the minute I received her email, I desperately wanted to shoot this session for her. Sometimes, you hear someone's words and you know that you like them, whether it's the tone or that they tell you that they got your name from "The Googler", but this was the person who had referred them, one of my favorite Philadelphia tattoo artists, Tim Pangburn. (PS - tattooed parents, there is always a discount for you!) I was really happy when they did book their session with me! Then, they arrived and I fell in love with them and their adorable baby too. I loved chatting with them about everything from why the chute at the Broad Street Run sucks to their cool bunny nursery wallpaper by Hunt Slonem. (Sorta sad I didn't get to shoot their nursery though...)I will let you in on a little secret right here that there is no way you might already know if you follow this blog or read my Facebook page at all (haha, read that sarcasm, please) - I am a little neurotic. So, before every newborn session that I shoot, I write out a "set list". This is a list of my notes, including which props I will use, which poses, which wraps/hats/headbands, what angle I would like to remember to get, tuck that wrap or leave it flow behind, which little foot to put in the front, etc. (It's really exhausting in my brain, peeps). Sometimes, I'll just make little suggestions to myself, e.g. "bracelet with rivets?" And I love when I remember to bring out that bracelet with rivets (doesn't always happen since I don't actually consult that list. Ugh, don't ask me to explain my crazy! I do use it to prep my sets the night before...) and the parents do a little "Squeeeee! Look how CUTE THAT IS."Like when I brought out my baby Harley jacket. And studded leather bracelet. And "mom" tattoo hat. I was happily clicking away and we were all giggling at how CUTE this was.
And, then we did this. Look at that smile. This boy knows how loved he is! Also, please take note of the awesome Tim Pangburn tattoos.
I want to stop posting all of these adorable photos but I can't. Because there is something I adore about all of these. Bunny snuggling, smiling, cute as a button bundled up little babies.
Baby jeans you guys. <3 Okay, I'll stop.
I love doing cool newborn photography. I love coming up with ideas that fit with who my clients are. If you want to book a newborn session with me and you have something fun to incorporate, or you just want great photos of your baby, click here and let's get it done.