Rainbows and Roses for a Sassy One Year Old | Philadelphia Cake Smash Photographer
I feel so honored that I had the pleasure of photographing all of the important first year milestones for this little sweetie. She came to me for her newborn session, and was the first baby to debut my greenhouse, too! You can click here to check out her sitter greenhouse session, which was pretty epic. The photo I posted on my instagram went on to be a top nine favorite of my followers for 2021. I can hardly blame them! It’s a top nine favorite of mine!
The other day, I went to send someone the link to her blog post for her cake smash session and realized, oops! Is it actually possible that I never blogged this amazing, sassy, gorgeously rose gold and rainbow cake smash we did for her? Of course it’s possible, it’s me. I’m incredibly good at thinking of doing something and then thinking I did it. In my defense, I did make an instagram post about it - not just a story, an actual post. See here. So, today I am remedying that issue.
Mom provided this beautiful cake and also the dress, which I promptly went out and purchased to add to my client closet, because it’s gorgeous. The perfect shade of dusty mauve.
My little sassy friend did not disappoint for this session. We just laughed the whole time. It was so much fun.
I love the colors mom chose for her session, and I super love the backdrop and the balloon match for this one. Don’t miss the pretty little dainty fairy lights for ethereal perfection.
Taking her place at the table/cakestand.
Trying a taste!
It’s a hit! She likes it!
Joy. Pure joy!
You know the word “hygge” means like cozy contentment? I feel like there should be a word for the happiness that comes from enjoying a sweet treat. Cause that face above would be the perfect accompaniment!
She didn’t get super messy, but her mom did decide to add on a splash! I love the splash portion of the cake smash session, because all babies love the tub and even if they didn’t love the cake (like this girl did), they usually love a splash. She, of course, loved both! Just look at that smile below.
She kept trying to stand up. So we kept telling her “No, no, no”, and then she would try to stand up and say “No, no, no”. We all were hysterically laughing!
Such a fun way to cap off a great year of memories for this little girl’s first birthday. And now she will have a stunning wall art installation of three pieces, one from each session. The experience is great, and is one part. The other part is having images to live on your walls to remind you of when your baby was in the first year of incredible changes.
What are you thinking about doing for your baby’s newborn and milestone sessions? Click here to contact me so that we can get things rolling for you!