Spidey and Brother | Main Line Child Photographer

Today, I met Spiderman.  He taught me about the mechanics of web shooting, explained about surfaces to which a web will not adhere, and turned me into a frog.  And then his sidekick (who is also his very cute blue eyed baby brother) taught me that if "Spiderman" is too hard to say, you just call him "Bubba".  This duo had some of the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen (courtesy of their mama, I believe).  They were troopers for such a hot July morning.  They gave each toy we presented them with at least a cursory try for a photo op.  And, just as I promised Spidey, we did take some of him at the end in his costume.  He was even allowed to jump off of the ottoman!Thanks, D family.  You're too cute and it was a lot of fun!


Sweet Child of Theirs | Main Line Family Photographer


Happiness | Philadelphia Family Photographer