Tattoo Convention, After | Philadelphia Tattoo Photographer
I spent the weekend at the Tattoo Convention at the Sheraton Center City. It was pretty incredible! I thank all of you who had kind words to say about my work. It was a pleasure meeting everyone!I also had the pleasure of meeting some of the other amazing vendors at the convention. Two of the local ones were near and dear to my heart. One was Pinups for Pitbulls, a non profit organization dedicated to restoring the image of the bully breeds. Their slogan is "Punish the deed, not the breed". Here is a pinup in action, signing their 2010 calendar. These girls were so sweet!But it was really these guys and their project who stole my heart with their book "Tatted". The producers of the book, Brian and Dan, are awesome guys! I enjoyed talking with both of them about this amazing project they've been a part of and the incredible product that is its end result, the book, "Tatted". Philly photographer Marianne Bernstein did a project on South Street for a year, asking people who were tattooed if she could take their picture, and had them write a note about the tattoo she shot. They printed the book with some of the notes, and it's just interesting, captivating, brilliant. I could go on... Do what you can to get your hands on a copy of this book to buy - I got mine at the convention and haven't put it down! It's incredible.Below: Brian with their marketing person, Stephanie.
Great weekend, all in all. I'm exhausted, but I met some amazing people and had a great time!