Twins! | Main Line Newborn Twin Photographer
As a newborn photographer, I am always particularly thrilled when I get an inquiry about a twin newborn session. Twins have fascinated me since I was a little girl, pretending my best friend and I were twins. We looked similar enough that people believed us; we had our made up names and pretend story. Multiples seem to catch everyone's interest!I was so lucky to get to shoot this boy/girl twin duo. They were so sweet together. It always makes me smile when twins relax when they're next to one another - breathing into each other, snuggling up against each other. It takes my mind to imagining what it is like in the womb with a partner and what a miracle life is. These two were happy to be together and were darling separately as well.I was also lucky enough to get to see their handsome big brothers in action with them. They were so proud to be holding them! (and didn't mind that they got a day off from school, either.) This little duo is surrounded by so much love already - brothers, parents, grandparents. It was so wonderful to feel the joy this family had at this new addition to their family.Thanks, W Family, for sharing your babies with me for the afternoon and for trusting me to capture this happy, lucky time for your family! I hope you will treasure these photos for years to come.Here are a few of my favorites:I love this one. The hats, the colors, the sweet baby smile.And another hands-down favorite for me. The hand placement does it!
I always get a sassy little baby giving me the finger! Silly babies. :)