Baby Girl | Philadelphia Newborn Photography

Baby S is not only beautiful, she holds the baby land speed record for newborn photography. I don't know if you guys know exactly the amount of time that goes into a newborn session. No, I'm not talking about the amount of hours spent learning, culling through sellers for the best props, learning posing, lighting, packing up, etc. Phew. I'm getting exhausted just thinking about that stuff, so I'll just spell it out for you: a newborn session can take a long time. As is the case with babies, no two are alike, and you can't predict how a baby will react. Some are super sleepy and don't mind how you pose them, don't mind being moved to change setups or backdrops, will tolerate a hat being put on them, that kind of thing. And some babies startle more easily, don't sleep as well, need to eat more frequently, don't prefer being posed; as a newborn photographer, I take it all in stride and arrive with no expectations other than my set list - I'm confident that I'll have both kinds of baby in equal number. But, Ms. S. She didn't mind any of the things I describe above. Fastest newborn session ever.And, did I mention, she's beautiful?She was surrounded by her grandparents, parents and her three dogs: Bear, the huge shepherd kind of intimidated me but ultimately won my heart, and Penny, the three legged pit bull who had my heart from the minute I met her - some of you might be surprised to learn I petted them both, but not the third dog, whose name escapes me because she didn't really like me much, and maybe it was all the chill, good vibes in the place but we had a great session and I was so happy to be able to create these images for this sweet little family.philadelphia newborn photographyphiladelphia newborn photographyphiladelphia newborn photographyphiladelphia newborn photographyI think this one is my favorite. <3philadelphia newborn photography


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