Baby Photographer Philadelphia | Baby Boy
When you are a baby photographer, life is like a bowl of chocolates: You never know what you are going to get. I find myself squeeee-ing a lot when I see the babies come through the door because they are just sososocute. This baby caused a squee when I removed his little hat; I love a baby with a full head of hair! And, curls! Curls. <3And, then I set out to photograph him. I always make what I call my set list, I think I've talked about that before here. The set list is a combination of my workflow + customization based on the discussions I have with the parents about the colors they prefer, their interests and likes, poses they have seen and love, props they want used, etc. I really enjoy working with families to customize their session so that it's exactly the way they want. Many of the details I choose in advance so that everything is set up and ready to go - and then I'll give options to the parents like, "Do you prefer this hat or this one?" to match the colors of a particular set. In the case of this little darling, when I saw him, I had to audible at the line (sorry to all of you non-football fans, but the Eagles just had their first preseason game last week and I'm a little excited about the return of football!!!) and change from the sage fluffy flokati rug to the gorgeous denim blue one. The color was just perfect for him.Also, he was giving me smiles for days. Like, at least one in every single setup. Look. <3 Isn't he gorgeous? Little baby curls, people.
Then, he was just sheer perfection in this little bed. I gave this boy more than a few snuggles. I had to. You would have too!
A word on this little bed prop: so versatile, so many adorable ways to use it. Obsessed.This turquoise and this little drawer are one of my new favorite props. I've become such a proppy lady! I never used to use a lot of buckets/baskets but now they're taking over my sessions with their cuteness!
Gorgeous boy in beautiful handmade bonnet. <3
Tell me that you see that itty bitty smile. Those long fingers are so beautiful. Babies. Swoon.
I'm trying to go light on this post - to just give the highlights. But for real. And I'm not even posting the one where he is wearing. a. bracelet.
Okay, I'll stop, but just know that there are a lot more.Wait, that's a lie, one more. He rode the giraffe y'all. I have to post a photo of any baby who rides the giraffe. <3
And baby in a crown is everything. Done. Bye. Click here if you want to schedule your own amazing custom newborn session!