Baby Photography Philadelphia | One Year
I was writing this post about baby photography and this little jingle below was running through my head. I have no idea what that little song is from - something I remember from when I was a kid. But when I was thinking about this post, because babies.Babies are beautiful,Babies are smart.Each one's a whole new start,To everything!I I do so love babies, and I really love when I get to see them after their newborn session, because it's so cool to see the one year bigger version, to see how much more they look like their mom/dad/themselves. And I also wind up really, really liking nearly every single family I work with, so seeing them all again is just a treat. Click here for this guy's newborn session photos. They're some of my favorites! (especially that little Harley jacket. Right??)This boy and his parents were certainly no exception. It was so much fun to see them all again, to see how he has NOT grown into those long, gorgeous eyelashes, to see those CHEEKS!His serious face - when he wasn't sure of how this session was going to go, exactly.
Those. Lashes. OMG. And, don't miss the itty bitty teefers on the bottom. <3 Love that smile. A little belly tickle goes a long way!
Beautiful boy. What a perfect combination of his parents. I love those big, beautiful eyes.
So, maybe not so sure about the bunny ear hat. But looking sooooo cute in it!
Happy birthday, big dude. It's so cool to have seen you at ten days old and then see you now, at one year old! Such a sweet guy. Thanks, S Family! I loved doing your baby photography this year!To schedule your own newborn, six month, or one year session, click here to contact me!