Media Family Photography | Mommy and Baby
The first time I met this lovely and sweet family, their wee one was only a few days old and I was doing his newborn session. Since then, he has grown up so much and continues to be as adorable as ever. He is also blessed and lucky to have the most laid back and sweet parents ever. Seriously - both of his parents are always quick with a smile and a laugh. I say all the time that I have the best clients in Philadelphia, and this family goes a long way to proving that. They just rule.So, when I found out I'd be photographing them again, this time for a mama and baby session, I was happy that I'd be catching up with all of them. The day was gorgeous, the sun was shining and I am so happy to share the resultant photos with you, because they make my heart feel light. I'm a one-b0y-mama myself and looking at these photos makes me think of that feeling of being lost in my son - no one or nothing in the world matters, just being this child's mama is what's important in the world. I love doing Mother's Day mini sessions for the very reason that photos like this are what results, and for a mother, this is our reality and what we will remember about our children being young.So, without further ado or any more sap from me, the photos. Tell me I'm wrong - you know you can feel the love! (Also, I almost never post only black and whites from a session, but these just say black and white to me! You don't mind, right?)
See? Lost in her own world with her sweet boy, right? Love it.It was so fabulous to catch up with you again, R Family.