Newborn Photographer Philadelphia Area | Smiling Baby Boy
I was just looking over my most recent Newborn photographer Philadelphia area blog posts. I realized that, although I blogged his parents' gorgeous maternity session here, I never actually shared his newborn photos! And, I'm sorry for that, to you, if you read my blog a lot, because omg. He is so darn cute and was so smiley. Plus, as sometimes/often happens, I fell even more in love with his peeps than I had been.This is usually my first setup in the door when you come in for your session. Baby is typically happy to be snuggled up and wrapped up and cozy. But who knew that being snuggled up this way would elicit this!? This image wound up to be one of my favorites of 2016. I think of it among the images I am so proud to have taken this year. Mid-yawn, sweet fingers, all that hair, beautiful blue, all wrapped up, hoped for, wished for, darling boy. Love this so. We giggled and clapped when we found that I had captured it during the session. The theme of this session was definitely "Smiles for Miles" with this little boy! (His name isn't miles - I just mean that he was smiling for days! Literally in every setup.) See?
More smiles, more adorable setups. Don't you love that hair he has?Love him in this cute little fox setup!
And, here, more serious. That blue makes his beautiful hair pop!
Ah, another smile. <3 Joyful boy who is content in how loved he is.
Smiling again. This boy.
Now you see where it all comes from. Look at these gorgeous smiles. Look at the love you can feel absolutely radiating off of the screen. I love this photo too. I think it is one of my favorite parent/family shots from a newborn session I've taken this year.
I included this next shot because, even though it is similar (processed a little differently, too), you can see the radiating joy from both of Mr. Shiv's parents' faces. Just pure happiness, joy. This was them. The epitome of them - smiling, so happy to be together, so much love. I enjoyed working with them so much. What a beautiful family!
Thanks, sweet family, for choosing me to capture your before and after, your love of your family and of each other, your exciting start down the new path of parenthood. If you would like your new journey captured, click here to send me an email and start the conversation.