Philadelphia Newborn Photography | Sugar and spice
When I arrived to photograph sweet and pretty Miss Z, her father calmly said "Place" to her big brother Baxter, and he went and laid down on his pillow. He only had to be reminded a few times during our fairly lengthy session to remain on his pillow. Baxter is a dog, you silly people. What kid knows the command "place"? But Baxter sure did. He put my dogs to shame and now I want to send them to live with baby Z's family to get them into shape!But, Miss Z was pretty amazing in her own right! Sweet little peanut of a girl, she fell asleep and let me work my magic in every pose. (Moving her was another story, but that's okay!)This one is my favorite from her session. I knew when I clicked the shutter that I would fall in love with it. And, it's a good thing this one was good - because I got exactly ONE of this shot! Baby lips. <3 What could be sweeter?
Love her hair. Such a little sweetheart!
But if you know me at all, even if only from reading this blog, you will know that my favorite photographs from a newborn session are 9 times out of 10 going to be the parent shots.Especially if the parent is gorgeous, sweet and has a great tattoo! :) See Exhibit A below. Right?
And, how sweet is this? I love the love that you can feel when a mama looks at her baby
Thank you, G Family, for trusting me to take these special photographs and capture this moment in time for you.You can see more from her session and other photos here at