Philadelphia Portrait Photographer | Why You Should Be In The Pictures - Newborn Edition
When people book a newborn session and tell me that they don't want to be in the pictures, it makes me want to weep. And not just because I didn't have a newborn session when my son was born, and thus, have no professional pictures of him or us with him as a newborn, but partly because of that.Here are some of my other reasons:1. Remember that radiant glow that strangers would stop you and comment on when you were pregnant? (Yes, the lady talking to herself on the subway counts.) Well, now that you are holding your baby in your arms, can you imagine how much more radiant you are with love in your eyes and flowing out of every pore in your body? You look amazing. You do. Seriously. Because nothing is more beautiful than the way a new parent looks at their baby. It's one of those things that's so gorgeous, strangers will comment on your photos and say you look glowing and amazing and you will probably bring a tear to more than a few eyes.2. You finally understand now what unconditional love really is. I mean, you love your partner, and your dog, and your parents. But when you are holding your teeny little baby in your arms, and looking at those sweet little lips and marveling that someone's fingers could actually BE that small and kissing every part of them while your heart feels so full it might just burst, you want to freeze that moment in time.
3. Someday your baby will be five. And, she'll be going off to kindergarten and wearing a backpack and might not even turn around and look at you. Or might cling to you weeping, imploring you not to leave her. Either way, you will be feeling incredibly nostalgic for those moments when you held her and smelled her baby smell and closed your eyes and there was no one else in the world.
4. Kids love to look at pictures of their parents when they were young. Kids also love to look at pictures of themselves. And, no matter how many times you tell your kid that you love them to the moon, up around the planets, and back around the earth again, they still like to see it in action.
5. Yes, you aren't at your pre-baby weight. Or maybe Dad hasn't had the time to get a haircut. You know what? I promise you, like I said above. You are gorgeous. Truly. To your baby, you are everything in the world, and you are perfect for them. So, please. Get in the damn pictures. :)
Check out these and many other beautiful parents who did get in the pictures here