Swarthmore Newborn Photographer | Cheeky Little Love
Swarthmore Newborn Photographer
Let's just start with this photo right here. Can we talk about these cheeks??? They're perfect, right? Oh, goodness - all of it! The hair, the lips. Just a little dreamboat of a baby. And, some harmonious tonal love.I can't say I loved covering up his beautiful head of hair, but those little teeny fingers sticking out were cute enough of a distraction that I feel okay about it!
more tonal love. :D
We did these very cute photos as a part of a set involving a fox hat - his mom mentioned that as her one request during our phone preconsultation. Believe it or not, I have more than one fox hat! Also, a fox stuffie, but I digress. :) You don't need to know about my prop addiction right now. Okay, I have to just shout out http://etsy.com for always having too much of what I need. This is another version I loved - mostly because that monochromatic green is lovely - I really love to design sets that use all one color for the backdrop, the wrap and the hat because that tonal harmony translates so beautifully!
I love this pose. It's so serene and peaceful - plus, that pinky and those piggy toes peeking out - I love the details of these itty bitty people.
I. LOVE. THIS.I do love a parent photo so much - babies with their daddies give me much joy, just the tininess with the contrast of the big daddy. This guy is just so relaxed being held by his dad - love that it conveys how our babies know us from the minute they are put into our arms and know they are safe with us.
LOVE LOVE LOVE. I can just feel the joy and the love these two have for each other and for their sweet man in this photo. Just perfect in the simplicity and contentment of being three, together. And, finally, because I couldn't resist ending with the sweet and marvelous cheeks that we started out highlighting. They're beauts. As was this whole darling, lovely little family. Such a treat to work with them!