Newborn Boy | Main Line Baby Photography
I am so excited to share these sweet photos of a newborn boy that I had the privilege of photographing recently. It's so much fun for me to design the set lists that I'm going to follow before the baby arrives - envisioning what he'll look like, how adorable he'll be in my setups, and then executing and seeing that he's always even more adorable than I counted on. This guy was definitely no exception.I always give a little squeal when the baby comes in with a hat on and I take it off to reveal a head of hair that is full and dark. Even if he had no hair, though, those lips! Look at those lips, you guys. Also, cheekies. Oh, those cheeks. I loved this green setup with his dark hair and pinky pink lips. Just pure perfection.Similar, yet different. Loving this setup where he
Also a sweet white setup, I love this one because it shows off his pretty features so much.
I love how this shows off his eyelashes! They were so long - I could have photographed him all day! He, like most babies do, preferred being wrapped. I love wrapping babies - there are so many great options in terms of making the photos look different and keeping the babies happy! That's a win win, to me.
If you have a newborn boy on the way - maybe these will give you some inspiration? Or, what do you prefer your newborn boys to be setup like in their photos? Do you prefer hats or au naturel? I'd love to photograph your new little one when they make their way on the scene! If you would like to contact me to schedule your session or have any questions, feel free to email me at or to click this link!