Waiting | Delaware County Maternity Photographer
This big brother is the most excited dude I've ever met about getting a baby sister. From the minute he knew that she was in his mom's belly, he has been talking about her.Just look at this great big squeeze he's got for her already! Such a sweetheart - hope those gorgeous eyes run in the family!
This guy is nothing if not a complete adorable comedian. He loved pretending to do some maternity posing of his own. Needless to say, he had us all cracking up!
I love this beautiful location. So glad we got there in what was truly the "Golden Hour" because the light was lovely coming in this way. So much love.
And, the two cowpokes. Or something like that. Dad was teaching him about this and of course, they were both cracking up. So were Mom and I watching the scene go down.
I think this guy is going to be a great big brother! Can't wait to meet Little Sis when she arrives.